During the Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, University of Illinois dairy extension specialist Derek Nolan shared a tool that can be used to measure the impact of heat stress on a dairy...
In your January 10, 2021 issue . . .MILK MARKET PROJECTIONS REMAIN IN FLUX as USDA economists adjusted the 2021 All-Milk price forecast, down by $1.10 to a $16.60 per hundredweight (cwt.) average. Thi
Marilyn Hershey This month, my parents celebrate 60 years of marriage. They have spent twice as many years together as they have apart. I have wonderful memories growing up on our Pennsylvan
A new year, a new decade, and a new start. I think I’m not alone when I say, “Bring on 2020!” 2019 was a year that had more downturns than upswings and more challenges than answers
Fad diets are a thing right now. Unfortunately, some of them are a problem for dairy. I first heard about Whole 30 (W30) last year. It is a diet for people, typically women in midlife, who are looking